Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The End of the Archaic Dial Up

I did it! I did it! I found a way to get high speed and get it affordably. WildBlue Satellite provides satellite internet here in our area. I ordered it today so I should really get up to speed with the blogging network. I'm so excited! I'll be able to listen to music without it stopping every 10 seconds. I've really been in the dark ages with the internet service I have. These days are so criticle to have high speed and its finally something I get to enjoy. So hold on to your seats, I'm soon to be text'n and link'n and script'n and post'n with the rest of ya. Stay tuned for more.


  1. I love it! This makes me laugh! I can feel your excitement oozing through your words! I am just as excited for you to finally enter the millenium. Your capabilities will be multiplied and your time will now get sucked into the, ... I just sat down to check my e mail and then three hours have past and the toilets are still dirty, the laundry has not been switched over, you forgot to shower and dinner is far from being prepared!And your husband just called and he is five minutes from being home!OOPS! Yay, welcome to high speed Internet!!!!!

  2. Way to go Steph! I just got the high speed last year, and I can't believe the differencne! You will love it.


Matriarch - Muriel Heal Bywater

Matriarch - Muriel Heal Bywater
(2002) snow party picture of mom NEVER TOO COLD OR TOO OLD TO JOIN IN THE FUN!

Jen and Caden (14 months)

Jen and Caden (14 months)
this is one of my favorite of the earlier snow party's

The Parcell's (Feb 2008)

The Parcell's (Feb 2008)
another one of my favorites!

Ed's Snow Taxi (Jan 2009)

Ed's Snow Taxi (Jan 2009)
"All Aboard" Ed hauls another load up the top of the hill for a sleigh ride down

Colton, McKenzie, Carson, & Caden

Colton, McKenzie, Carson, & Caden
(Dec 2002) soooo cute and then they grow up

Sparky, Jeff and Ellen Johnson Dec 1992

Sparky, Jeff and Ellen Johnson Dec 1992
I love tthis one! I think Sparky loved it as much as anyone.

Jeff Johnson and Sparky

Jeff Johnson and Sparky
(2004) the last snow party Jeff attended, we'll always remember this one especially

Sam, Jessica, & Rocky

Sam, Jessica, & Rocky
(Jan 2009) "the Arizonian's visiting Utah's snow country

Cody and Dick Pearce

Cody and Dick Pearce
"now there's two of a kind" (Jan 2009)