Saturday, March 28, 2009

"Happy Birthday to You"

Stephanie & Christie 5 months and 'all smiles'

Our mother Muriel holding her beautiful 'girls'

I've had the wonderful opportunity to share my 59 birthday's with my twin sister, Christie, better known as Tee Tee. That is what we called each other when we were little because it sounded like Christie as well as Stephanie, when you are 2 or 3 years old. It's not everyone that can share their birthday with their best friend. We are very close and do most everything together. We live just a few miles from each other, and call each other most everyday. I'm the oldest by 26 minuets, and she reminds me frequently of that! I'm glad she is my sister and I love her very much and wish her a very Happy Birthday! We are usually able to celebrate our birthday together, but this year she is in Arizona visiting her son and daughter. I'll be thinking of her and remembering all the beautiful memories we have shared throughout the years. I LOVE YOU TEE TEE!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to both of you.
    You are the best aunt and mom.
    We need to go do our GIRL trip to AZ
    Love you

  2. You don't need to twist my arm. I'm ready it would be fun. Let me know when I should start packin'. Maybe a weekender before it gets to hot down there. I miss our Girl outings!

  3. Awe...thanks, and Happy Birthday to you too Tee Tee. We'll have to celebrate this week together...I love extending our birthday...more cake and ice cream (NOT)
    Just got home from Arizona, and of course it's snowing. Had a great time! I soaked up as much sun as I could. See you soon and thanks for the tribute!!!!

  4. Happy belated blogging Birthday! I did get to spend the morning with you on your Birthday, but I have failed to blog for a bit, so I missed this one! Sorry! I hope the rest of your day was the best day ever!!!!!! You deserve it!!!

  5. I loved that picture of your Mom holding the two of you. So Tender and precious. You guys are so lucky to have one another. Happy Birthday to you both! Luv, Kevyn


Matriarch - Muriel Heal Bywater

Matriarch - Muriel Heal Bywater
(2002) snow party picture of mom NEVER TOO COLD OR TOO OLD TO JOIN IN THE FUN!

Jen and Caden (14 months)

Jen and Caden (14 months)
this is one of my favorite of the earlier snow party's

The Parcell's (Feb 2008)

The Parcell's (Feb 2008)
another one of my favorites!

Ed's Snow Taxi (Jan 2009)

Ed's Snow Taxi (Jan 2009)
"All Aboard" Ed hauls another load up the top of the hill for a sleigh ride down

Colton, McKenzie, Carson, & Caden

Colton, McKenzie, Carson, & Caden
(Dec 2002) soooo cute and then they grow up

Sparky, Jeff and Ellen Johnson Dec 1992

Sparky, Jeff and Ellen Johnson Dec 1992
I love tthis one! I think Sparky loved it as much as anyone.

Jeff Johnson and Sparky

Jeff Johnson and Sparky
(2004) the last snow party Jeff attended, we'll always remember this one especially

Sam, Jessica, & Rocky

Sam, Jessica, & Rocky
(Jan 2009) "the Arizonian's visiting Utah's snow country

Cody and Dick Pearce

Cody and Dick Pearce
"now there's two of a kind" (Jan 2009)