Tuesday, May 12, 2009

She was there!

You tell me.......... this picture was discovered after I had taken several pictures at the grave site. I can't really explain it but I know what it represents..............SHE WAS THERE!

It was the day of Judy Young's memorial (my niece Nichole's mother in law). Such a beautiful day in memory of such a wonderful and dear person. We arrived at the cemetery, parked the car in formation to most of the cars that had got there before us. We started walking up the road in the general direction of what seemed to be her graveside. I was in awe at the number of people that came to pay their respect and love for this genuine lady. Judy was stricken with cancer thirteen years ago. She was a person that put everyone before herself. A lady that demonstrated courage and yet was persistent to keep her spirits high. I was reminded of that, that beautiful sunny Saturday morning, when viewing my pictures taken at the graveside. This picture was in the mist of a series taken at the grave site. She was there! And not alone. There is no doubt in my mind that this photo was exactly what it represented. Unexplainable? Or was it her way of letting us know that she was at peace. And who, more deserving of it! Judy we will miss you and thank you for having been a part of your life.


  1. I know she was there too! Her spirit was there to comfort her sweet family and friends. It was a beautiful service and what a beautiful day... I'm sure she had something to do with that! We miss you Judy!

  2. Thank you for that beautiful message.
    I know that she was with all of us and it was the way she wanted it.
    It turned out to be a beautiful day and everything was perfect. We Love you Judy and will always miss you.

  3. Hi Steph, Judy must have been a terrific lady. What a beautiful picture of her. You need to be a writer. I never realized you "wrote" so well. You express your self very elequently! I love reading your blog. Luv, Kevyn

  4. She was a wonderful person and she will be missed even by those of us who only knew her briefly. I am sure she was there and was so pleased by her loved ones that came to celebrate her life! It is a huge sense of comfort to know that she is out of pain now!


Matriarch - Muriel Heal Bywater

Matriarch - Muriel Heal Bywater
(2002) snow party picture of mom NEVER TOO COLD OR TOO OLD TO JOIN IN THE FUN!

Jen and Caden (14 months)

Jen and Caden (14 months)
this is one of my favorite of the earlier snow party's

The Parcell's (Feb 2008)

The Parcell's (Feb 2008)
another one of my favorites!

Ed's Snow Taxi (Jan 2009)

Ed's Snow Taxi (Jan 2009)
"All Aboard" Ed hauls another load up the top of the hill for a sleigh ride down

Colton, McKenzie, Carson, & Caden

Colton, McKenzie, Carson, & Caden
(Dec 2002) soooo cute and then they grow up

Sparky, Jeff and Ellen Johnson Dec 1992

Sparky, Jeff and Ellen Johnson Dec 1992
I love tthis one! I think Sparky loved it as much as anyone.

Jeff Johnson and Sparky

Jeff Johnson and Sparky
(2004) the last snow party Jeff attended, we'll always remember this one especially

Sam, Jessica, & Rocky

Sam, Jessica, & Rocky
(Jan 2009) "the Arizonian's visiting Utah's snow country

Cody and Dick Pearce

Cody and Dick Pearce
"now there's two of a kind" (Jan 2009)