Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ours Is No Ordinary Love

"Could any memory be as thrilling as when we first fell in love? I remember the tingle in every touch, the anticipation of ever kiss, and the excitement I felt just being near you. I knew this was no ordinary love, and that life with you would be amazing"..............And it still is.


  1. Awe- how sweet. A match made in heaven. Love your blow Steph. Such a fun way to keep in touch. Hope your day is full of romance. If not- you still have Mexico!

  2. Well most sons cant say this, but i remember those days and i can say that it is one of the most happiest days of my life as well!!! Im greatful for such wonderful parents and the love they have for eachother. Love you both and have a Happy Valentines Day. Your son Nick

  3. I meant blog... I love your blog Steph...

  4. Holly I thought you were referring to by hair blow. The famous Farra Faucet hair style. Thanks anyway.

  5. Those were the days...I remember it like it was just yesterday. You and Ed have been great examples for everyone. Thanks for all you do for our family. We love you!

  6. THis post made me want to cry! You and Ed are most certainly the real deal! I shutter to think where Nick would be if you had never married Ed! Nick had great examples that taught him how to love and how to be a man. THank You for that! I love to watch you and Ed sqawble. The way you two bicker is comical! Maybe that is the secret! Laugh always cause life is too painful to take it all so seriously! Love you guys! Hope you had a great Valentines day! The kids missed you today, and have some cookies and cards for you!

  7. Wow Steph, It's so cool you and Ed are so in love. I loved reading what your son Nick wrote to you. I'm so glad you started a "blow" , whoops, I mean "blog".


Matriarch - Muriel Heal Bywater

Matriarch - Muriel Heal Bywater
(2002) snow party picture of mom NEVER TOO COLD OR TOO OLD TO JOIN IN THE FUN!

Jen and Caden (14 months)

Jen and Caden (14 months)
this is one of my favorite of the earlier snow party's

The Parcell's (Feb 2008)

The Parcell's (Feb 2008)
another one of my favorites!

Ed's Snow Taxi (Jan 2009)

Ed's Snow Taxi (Jan 2009)
"All Aboard" Ed hauls another load up the top of the hill for a sleigh ride down

Colton, McKenzie, Carson, & Caden

Colton, McKenzie, Carson, & Caden
(Dec 2002) soooo cute and then they grow up

Sparky, Jeff and Ellen Johnson Dec 1992

Sparky, Jeff and Ellen Johnson Dec 1992
I love tthis one! I think Sparky loved it as much as anyone.

Jeff Johnson and Sparky

Jeff Johnson and Sparky
(2004) the last snow party Jeff attended, we'll always remember this one especially

Sam, Jessica, & Rocky

Sam, Jessica, & Rocky
(Jan 2009) "the Arizonian's visiting Utah's snow country

Cody and Dick Pearce

Cody and Dick Pearce
"now there's two of a kind" (Jan 2009)